- New releases: Smart Bitches (romance, queer romance), Book Riot (YA, best out this week, horror, nonfiction, comics/graphic novels, mystery/thriller/true crime, romance, SFF, queer), Reactor (genre benders, YA SFF, SF), Gizmodo (SFF/horror)
- Linkity from Smart Bitches. And more!
- Linkity from BookWyrm Knits.
- Unsurprising research about book bans.
- Book bench.
- Ficlet.
- Another ficlet.
- “How to identify credible sources“.
- Absolutely true about me and my handknitted socks.
- Converted Carnegie library.
- Pretty nice MCM in the desert.
- Excellent MCM church conversion.
- I mostly like this one.
- Cute houseboat.
- The fanciest studio condo I’ve ever seen.
- Unusual floating house.
- Rustic castle.
- Possibly cool MCM but it’s so cluttered it’s hard to tell.
- Round MCM that needs a lot of carpet replaced.
- Must love pink… and faux fur walls.
- Definitely an odd property.
- Oh my. So tacky.
- This is ridiculously over-the-top in a very different way.
- Another over-the-top one.
- Has a shark tank.
- Strange.
- A terrible… bed? Can’t be unseen.
- Awkwardly placed refrigerator.
- Well then.
- Yikes.
- D’oh.
- You could lose a child in that gap.
- :sigh:
- Feels like the color might be hinting at something…
- Nope.
- WTF.
- Ridiculous.
Some recently gifted socks – they’re short because two skeins of Kroy Sock apparently isn’t enough to make tall socks with a stitch count of 68 (but was fine for 64).
More recently gifted socks. I THINK this is some variety of Meilenweit, but I’m not sure what I did with the label.
Focused Polly, with snoozing Harry in the background.
Harry grooming the shaved spot on May’s tail where her blood pressure was taken.
My dad always dressed conservatively for his jobs in upper-management Academia. Except for his socks. He loved to wear wild socks.
Yay! Some cute/fun homes.
Cluttered MCM exterior reminds me somewhat of one of our libraries (built in the 60s, of course): https://tinyurl.com/3euau38x
Bed tent certainly solves the problem of many of the houses I see here where you would never have a dark bedroom because of all the excessive windows.
Ooh, I love the glass sculpture in the shark tank house that looks like some kind of orange flame plant.