In which there’s linkity, plus bonus kitten content at the very end

Reading Update
All Souls Near & Nigh (Soulbound, #2)All Souls Near and Nigh, A Crown of Iron & Silver (Soulbound, #3)A Crown of Iron and Silver, and A Vigil in the Mourning (Soulbound, #4)A Vigil in the Mourning (Soulbound 2-4) by Hailey Turner. Ok paranormal romance series about a werewolf and a mage who now works for a government bureau that deals with supernatural crimes.
The Ghost and the Dead Deb (Haunted Bookshop Mystery, #2)The Ghost and the Dead Deb (Haunted Bookshop Mystery 2) by Alice Kimberly/Cleo Coyle. Ok series about a woman running a bookshop in a small Rhode Island town and solving mysteries with the help of the ghost of a 1940s PI.

“Did I just hear those dratted kittens?!” -Mayhem

She probably did! They’re out and about quite a bit these days. It’s possible Harry will learn his name as “Oh, Harry” (despairingly)…

Intent Polly, Harry REALLY loves sparkle balls, Polly and the apple, both of them, Mayhem observes.


4 thoughts on “In which there’s linkity, plus bonus kitten content at the very end”

  1. I’m so glad the kittens came to live with you and Mayhem. Now there is kitten tv all day, every day.

  2. Bob Ross would approve of the happy little trees.

    I have some earrings that are made from fish scales. I think the beetle wings would work equally well for that.

    Hope all the household occupants are starting to get along.

  3. Yay cute kitties! (all three of them)

    I don’t know how I didn’t hear about the Princess Bride thing, either. Probably because we avoided Quibi, though.

    Thank you for the link to the Rejected Princesses story! I’d seen these online somewhere before, and couldn’t remember enough about the title to get back to them. (Now I’ve bought the book so I won’t forget again. I hope.)
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