Things are probably going to be a little sparse here in November because I’m going to participate in NaNoWriMo for the first time ever – and I’ll be writing on a typewriter! ๐
- New releases: AAR (romance)
- Linkity from Smart Bitches.
- Linkity from Inkophile.
- Linkity from the Pen Addict.
- The first 2018 gift guide from Smart Bitches.
- The 90-Second Newberry Film Festival.
- A little Harry Potter snippet.
- Some amusing writing advice.
Think, Learn, Do, Make
- It’s Asexual Awareness Week through the 27th. ๐
- “Pushing yourself beyondรย your comfort zone” is good, but be aware of the thin line between learning new stuff and PANIC.
- NOPE. At this point, tRUMP just makes me sick and sad.
- Gosh, it’s almost like air quality regulations are good for people instead of corporations…
- “Chris Evans is just as done with everything as we are“.
- There’s a really big food recall going on…
- “Cheat sheet” for alternative therapies that actually work.
- “How marketing created superfoods“.
- 2400 year old intact shipwreck found!
- “Automakers sell performance, but consumers want fuel economy and safety“.
- All US car brands are in “the bottom half of Consumer Reports’ 2018 Reliability Rankings“.
- “100 websites that shaped the internet as we know it“.
- “How to stream free movies from the Library of Congress“.
- Red curry vegetable noodle soup.
- No-bake hot water cornbread.
- Chocolate cake with a pumpkin pie inside.
- Apple harvest cake with caramel sauce.
Artsy Crafty
- “Disney princesses as armored warriors“.
- Bee-themed fountain pen.
- Award-winning astronomy photographs.
- Linkity from bookwyrmknits.
Cool or Wha…?
- Executive dysfunction gothic.
- Cat ghost!
- Elephants and gourds.
- The plate tectonics game! (Hover/long-press for caption.)
Teh Cute
Reading Update
Bring It On, Burning Bridges, Free Fall and Blood from a Stone (Retrievers 3-6) by Laura Anne Gilman. This continued to be a good series about Wren, whose magic leaves her unnoticed by most people, and her partner Sergei, who isn’t magical at all. If you’re looking for a series that shows relationship development and isn’t filled with explicit sex scenes, this could be your lucky day. ๐ Lot going on in Book 5 and I put it in time out for a day because I was anxious about how things were shaking out. Book 6 is the last book focused primarily on Wren (and Sergei), but they appear in the background in some of Gilman’s other books.
Miles to Go, Promises to Keep, and The Work of Hunters (Sylvan Investigations 1-3) by Laura Anne Gilman. Good paranormal suspense series about half faun former cop and current private investigator Danny, who suddenly finds he has an employee – a powerful seer with self-esteem issues.
“Look at how kittenish and cute I am!” -Chaos (who is a very non-kittenish 15 years old now!)
Chris- Watch what you say about Mr. Cheetos- you may get a surprise package.
Chaos will always be your kitten.
A recent post from Lorraine..Is There an Igloo for Rent?
I have long looked at “Superfoods” with a suspicious eye. I think variety is more important. Kale may have more vitamin K and A than spinach, but spinach has more iron and folate. Romaine has more vitamins than iceberg lettuce, but that doesn’t make iceberg a nutritional void.
::quietly goes back to mixing iceberg lettuce into other salad greens to get that satisfying crunch::
Ohh that shipwreck!
A recent post from blodeuedd..Audio: Keystone – Dannika Dark
Those 100 websites have defined my adult life. It’s so weird being old enough to remember the very first time I ever went online, and when the WWW became accessible from – gasp – private homes!
Love the Disney Warrior Princesses! And that Bee ballpoint pen has been tempting me for a while…
Best of luck on NaNoWriMo! You’re using a typewriter this month, huh? I’m writing mine out by hand using a fountain pen. I don’t expect to hit 50k (I don’t write as fast as I type) but I’m having fun getting back to the basics with this year’s project.
A recent post from Nicole..Party Post Part 3 ~ the Night Circus