28 thoughts on “K is for…”

  1. Oh so sweet – we can see one of Diablo’s horns! Sadly I can only tell that Chaos’ head is somewhere towards the left hand side ;o) Have a wonderful Saturday!

  2. Yay, a non-purple entry! For a while there I thought I had to give up reading but of course, I won’t since I’m still waiting to hear why your brother keeps the cats between the window & storm window or screen!

  3. awww i’m in kitty heaven. i remember when my niblet was a baby…1.4 pounds and monstrous ears! Now he’s 18 pounds (still hasn’t grown into those ears though!)

    Cute kitties 🙂

  4. Damn – Mama Tulip beat me to the punch. But cut none the less. When Tigger was a kitty he called me on my cell phone while I was in Cub Foods to ask if he could come live here. “K” is for “klever kitty” he!

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