Kittens. Like, duh. 🙂
Me with Diablo and Chaos when they were much, much smaller. Now their combined weight is around 30 lbs. Heh.
Kittens. Like, duh. 🙂
Me with Diablo and Chaos when they were much, much smaller. Now their combined weight is around 30 lbs. Heh.
Oh so sweet – we can see one of Diablo’s horns! Sadly I can only tell that Chaos’ head is somewhere towards the left hand side ;o) Have a wonderful Saturday!
There’s nothing like the smell of kitten fur. *sigh*
Great picture!
I second Jennifer. Kitten fur is so sweet!
they’re both so cute! but diablo scares me 🙁
Oooh kittens!
Yay, a non-purple entry! For a while there I thought I had to give up reading but of course, I won’t since I’m still waiting to hear why your brother keeps the cats between the window & storm window or screen!
awww i’m in kitty heaven. i remember when my niblet was a baby…1.4 pounds and monstrous ears! Now he’s 18 pounds (still hasn’t grown into those ears though!)
Cute kitties 🙂
arrrghhhhhh sooooo cute!!! you know Chris, I might become a cat person because of you!!!!
Thank you for sharing those stories of Chaos and Diablo!! They are both so sweet and cute!!
I’ve got “Ebony and Ivory” stuck in my head now. 😉
I wish I had a faceful of kitten right now. 🙂
Sweet. I want a cat. Too bad the condo is too small for my allegic self to share with a cat.
They are such cuties!
So so cute!!
Damn – Mama Tulip beat me to the punch. But cut none the less. When Tigger was a kitty he called me on my cell phone while I was in Cub Foods to ask if he could come live here. “K” is for “klever kitty” he!
Adorable!!! Nothing’s cuter than baby animals.
Awww. Kittens. Chaotic devilish kittens.
I’m totally crippled by their cuteness. It’s like cryptonite, with fangs and claws. I love the way kittens smell.
Kittens are irresistable, aren’t they?
Snorgle!! You can see Chaos’ stripes in that pic.
i want me an armful of kittens.
That’s a perfect K for you!
Awwwwww! I got to see a 4 wk old kitten yesterday – almost too much to bear.
Squeeeee! Really, is there anything cuter than kittens?
cant. resist. kitten. cuteness…..
too. cute. !!!!