Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting Starey Glarey Guy (SGG). (Don’t forget that you can hover your mouse pointer over the covers to see how I used the titles in the Misadventure.)
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and beware
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would only lead to
Ah, it’s been a while since I had a good run-on Misadventure! 🙂
*miffed* -Mayhem
We need to take him out to a comedey club, he’s far too dour.
Very nicely done! May can be miffed about naughty boys, but this is they way life is. May, why spend your life being upset and hurt?
A recent post from margene..Pausing
Huh? At the beginning I was all like, you go story board. Then at the end I was like, say what?! And, eewwwww, Grandfather’s Lover is just all sorts of wrong! But, I’ve got to say, dude has some abs going on. Good for him.
There is something off about that Loving Tyler cover. Did they frankenstein his arms? Those look like his abs, but…um, odd.
I kind of like his stare 😉
A recent post from blodeuedd..Review: Heir of Novron – Michael J.Sullivan
Ha, I was thinking how it was a run-on today, so getting to your comment cracked me up! Thanks once again!
A recent post from Kristi aka Fiber Fool..Here Linkity, Linkity!
Chris- That guy epitomizes hinky.
A recent post from Lorraine..My Year So Far
Ha, ha! I’m glad he made sure that some of those executive perks included enough time on the nightshift to serve and protect the dragon and his houseboy. Those kind of considerations are important when applying for a job. 😀
A recent post from Val Kovalin..Fall Into the Sun now available for purchase
Hehe, just what I needed after a really, really long day 😀
What a dark episode!
May may have turned her back, but her cocked ear suggests she was very interested in what you were doing.
A recent post from Brenda..Updates with a FO
I think I would have called him Mr. Brooding Brow. He has a fairly dark stare.
A recent post from Seanna Lea..homemade Japanese-style veggie burgers
Awesome misadventure this week! And poor, miffed Mayhem.
That’ll teach you.
A recent post from Carrie#K.."The Vision of a World Made New"
Nice work! “Starey Glarey” suits him. He’s got some mighty tall hair too. I’ve had hair days like that. 🙂
A recent post from Sydney..RIP Zoe Ferret, 2002-2011
PLEASE give us a pause for a breath. An ellipsis would do. 🙂
Gah, I hate tortoise-shell abs, but EC seems to love ’em.
He was trying not to show up in a couple of them 😀
Thank you very much!!