Congrats to EriSeg, who won A Wild Ride by Andrew Grey! A Wild Ride is being released today by Dreamspinner Press.
Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with Starey Glarey Guy again.
After the
, it took him a while to realize that he’d become
and that
was just as
by the
as he. But alas, in his
, when he’d lost all sense of
, and
made it feel as if he was
, he was
Um. Forgive me for that one? 🙂
“You’re driving me crazy with naughty boys, Mom!” -Mayhem
Congrats to Carla A, who won her choice of A Guitarist in the Fae Queen’s Court (Fae Connections #1) by Amber Kell or the Unconventional At Best anthology!
Congrats to Andrea, who won Dead Shot by JL Merrow! Dead Shot was released on August 26 by JMS Books.
Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be trying to catch up with Starey Glarey Guy, who is nearly as busy as WiHG! (Please excuse the verb tense mess involving the first few covers.)
, the
drove away
and SGG awoke to find himself not back on the farm
as he’d dreamed, but in his bed in the city, still mired in a
, playing
s of
with the other
, responding to all the
like a
(or maybe just like a
), and
of espresso to clear the dream fog from his brain.
Mmmm… espresso…
*glaring, Ears of Annoyance, and tail thwack-lashing* -Mayhem
Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with Starey Glarey Guy (SGG), who has been very, very busy…
Says SGG, “First I was bitten and
, then
, and
, a
who was
and could
with just a glance, at
in the
. Although I was a
be sure, when the
finally settled into place one
night, I’m sure you could
for miles.”
Curses. I couldn’t quite make it work as a single spectacular run-on sentence. 🙁
*radiates disapproval and disappointment* -Mayhem
Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting Starey Glarey Guy (SGG). (Don’t forget that you can hover your mouse pointer over the covers to see how I used the titles in the Misadventure.)
felt that
was the
, as it allowed him both the
and the
of the
so he could
, who reminded him how important it was to
and beware
– succumbing to that
would only lead to
Ah, it’s been a while since I had a good run-on Misadventure! 🙂
*miffed* -Mayhem
Art journaling, reading, knitting, and cat parenting. It's a wild life.