Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with Pumkin Ravioli Boy. (If you don’t remember how he got his misspelled name, you can find out here.) (You can hover your cursor over the covers to see how I used the title in the Misadventure.)

and those


, were

on their way home from a

, which had been the

for all of them. The

of the Desperate Fay King’s

made short work of the ticket when he got

with the police officer, using some

he’d learned while

with the


him to go riding), right before his unplanned

in a

that left the Desperate Fay King without

, but with a painful new

in his spine.
*blink blink blink*

“This is my indignant about naughty boys look. As if you didn’t already know that.” -Mayhem
Congrats to KC (SmokinHotBooks), who won Making Promises (sequel to Keeping Promise Rock) by Amy Lane! Making Promises is being released today (July 26) by Dreamspinner Press.
Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today you’ll meet Pumkin Ravioli Boy; after I saw that typoed book title, I was completely unable to think of a different name for him. O.o



by his old flame, a

. Pumkin Ravioli Boy and the

, both

at heart, were completely unprepared to deal with the bad case of

poisoning that they picked up during the rescue.
O noes! What will happen next?!?
P.S. I’m serious. Tell me. Your comments make the Misadventures ever so much fun for me and hopefully for the other readers! Thank you!

“Look deep into my eyes,. You are growing sleepy. Your eyes are growing heavy. You will not look at any more pictures of naughty boys!” -Mayhem
Art journaling, reading, knitting, and cat parenting. It's a wild life.