Happy New Year, everyone! 🙂
- New releases: Fiction Vixen (romance), Dear Author (romance), and Tor.com (UF/H, genre benders, fantasy, scifi)
- Book and publishing news from Dear Author.
- Good news about used bookstores.
- “How to read an entire book in a single day“.
- Citation humor.
Do, Make, Learn, Think
- Learn more about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
- We’re getting space and Star Trek stamps in the US this year!
- Norway gifting a mountain to Finland?
- I can’t even tell if that’s an improvement or not.
- If you’ve ever wondered how candy canes are made…
- Take down your Christmas tree in a timely fashion. OR ELSE.
- There’s a new internet status code – status 451.
- Is Die Hard actually a fairy tale?
- This is the least surprising thing ever, if you’re female.
- NASA’s 1970s design manual.
- Make your own cat tree.
- 18 breakfast recipes.
- Coconut and rainbow chard baked sweet potato.
- Curried chickpea and spinach baked potato.
- Sweet and spicy baked potato.
- Baked potato shakshuka.
- Chocolate s’mores cookies.
- Dark chocolate pomegranate bark.
Gluten Free
- Best recipes of 2015.
- Best Christmas cookies.
- Baked vanilla spice sprinkle doughnuts.
- “Ferrero Rocher” hazelnut chocolates.
- Red velvet crinkle cookies.
- Dutch baby with eggnog whipped cream.
- Mexican hot chocolate pancakes.
- Gingerbread granola.
- Cranberry “Bliss” bars.
- Hot artichoke dip.
- Lasagna in a casserole-style slow cooker.
Artsy Crafty
- 120 years of movies in 120 seconds.
- Terry Gilliam’s animated Christmas card from 1968.
- Short about why the ocean is blue.
- From 8-Bit Cinema, the original Star Wars trilogy in five minutes.
- LEGO satellite maps of cities.
- Earthrise from the moon.
- Ice skating rinks from around the world.
- Yes, this.
- Linkity from kmkat.
Cool or Wha…?
- Lighting 10,000 sparklers at once.
- LEGO pen.
- Exploding Star Wars LEGO sets.
- Gingerbread Darth Vader.
- HTML 5 drum machine.
- “San Francisco might get a bridge with glowing-eyed cat sculptures“.
- Smart belt.
- Musical tampon.
- Hoverboarding priest.
- Lexus ice tires.
- Pizza Hut clothing line.
- Hot dog flavored Pringles.
- A Simon’s Cat Christmas.
- Christmas gifts from cats.
- If Star Wars characters had cats…
- Diagnosis by computer. (Hover cursor/long-press for additional text.)
- When you have a really bad cold… (Hover cursor/long-press for additional text.)
- Guide to conversation in 2016. (Hover cursor/long-press for additional text.)
Teh Cute
Reading Update
Gelli Plate Printing: Mixed-Media Monoprinting Without a Press by Joan Bess. Good instructional and inspirational book about Gelli plate monoprinting. I’ll be picking up a used copy as reference for some of the more complicated techniques.
Art Journal Freedom: How to Journal Creatively with Color and Composition by Dina Wakley. Good overview of basic artistic principles such as color theory, contrast, and composition in the context of art journaling. Although I’m not a fan of aspects of the author’s style, I do like how she puts together backgrounds.
“Wha…?” -Chaos