Tag Archives: David Aja

Linkity loses an hour grudgingly


Do, Think, Learn, Make


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Map Art Lab: 52 Exciting Art Explorations in Mapmaking, Imagination, and Travel by Jill K Berry & Linden McNeilly. Loved! Definitely need to buy my own copy because the library copy is just bristling with “try this” bookmarks.
Making an Impression: Designing and Creating Artful Stamps by Geninne Zlatkis. Pretty good book about getting started carving rubber stamps, although it was definitely focused more on using the templates provided by the author than on actually designing or creating stamps.
Hawkeye, Volume 1: My Life as a Weapon by Matt Fraction, David Aja, Javier Pulido, & Alan Davis. I’ve been intrigued by the out-of-context Clint Barton snippets I’ve seen on tumblr, so I decided to check out the actual comic book. I did skip the Young Avengers comic in the back – probably would’ve read it if it had been in the same style as the rest.

*looking winsome* -Mayhem