- Linkity from Smart Bitches.
- Linkity from ReaderWriterVille.
- Linkity from the Pen Addict.
- A little affect vs effect refresher.
- Listen to parts 1-5 of Seanan McGuire’s new book Middlegame.
- “The Tao of Sir Terry: Pratchett vs logic“.
- “Words invented to name emotions we all feel , but don’t yet have a name for“. (via Book Riot)
- The Chilliad: Hour Five.
- Explaining fanfic writing using food.
- Great quote about fanfiction.
- Some typographic humor from the past.
Think, Make, Do, Learn
- Where the quote “Well-behaved women seldom make history” actually came from.
- The Handmaid’s Tale creeps ever nearer…
- “Americans lead the developed world in climate change denial“. :facepalm:
- “If AirPods are anything, they’re future fossils of capitalism.“
- The International Space Station and cooperation.
- “Looking for info about bottled water quality? Good luck.“
- Don’t call robocallers back.
- Beware those canisters of PAM spray.
- “How to teach your kid that they don’t have to be perfect at everything“.
- Learn a little about Vitamin B-12 deficiency.
- Using black cocoa powder.
- Angel food cake that supposedly come out perfect every time.
- Strawberry cake.
Gluten Free
Artsy Crafty
- “Ok. This is what I’ve learned about cross stitching.“
- Linkity from knittyBlog.
- Knitting linkity from kmkat.
- Some thoughts about liminal spaces.
- Atmospheric driving through rain in Wisconsin.
- Great photo of the human habitrails in Minneapolis (aka skyways).
- If Captain America (Steve Rogers) was related to Fred Rogers…
- Linkity from Bookwyrmknits.
Cool or Wha…?
- The new color-changing cup from Starbucks.
- The concept seems good, but the name: ClusterDuck from IBM.
- Marketing water like beer.
- CapriSun, AriZona green tea, and Fiji bottled water swimsuits.
- “Imagine getting pulled over by this tablet on a stick“.
Teh Cute
Reading Update
Dreams of Shreds and Tatters by Amanda Downum. I am not really sure why I finished this – I certainly didn’t care for any of the characters and never engaged with the plot.
And I reread books 7-10 of Seanan McGuire’s October Daye series…
“…zzzzzzzzz…” -Mayhem