Taking a little holiday weekend break from linkity. Hope everyone has a good one!
Category Archives: Those Cats
Another week of cat pictures without linkity
How about some cat pictures instead of any actual linkity?
I was super productive today, but linkity was not one of the things I produced. :shrugging: Please enjoy some cat pictures. 😀
And I know I don’t say it enough, but thank you to everyone who’s still around reading and/or commenting! You guys are the best.
Polly caught pre-thlurrrrp, managing to look as if there’s not a brain cell in her fuzzy little head.
Introducing Harbinger (“Harry”) and Apocalypse (“Polly”). They’re still living in the kitty room as I slowly get Mayhem used to their scents and curious about them.
They were found abandoned in a field near the beginning of August 2020 and were bottle fed by their foster mom. They’re a bonded pair and they also LOVE PEOPLE.
“Whatcha doing, lady?” -Harry and Polly
Maybe it’s just me, but I think Harry looks an awful lot like Chaos. Harry’s eyes are an unphotographable amber (not green) and he has a perfectly normal tail (versus Chaos’ slightly short tail with its kinked tip). I would NOT recommend getting between Harry and a sparkle ball.
“Why did you stop petting me, lady?!” -Harry
“Does this scratcher make my ears look big?” -Harry
Polly’s a sweet goofball! Very snuggly and a bit more timid than Harry. Harry’s a bit more reserved than Polly.
No linkity this week because sad
Thanks so much to everyone who’s offered comfort and let me know about the impression Chaos left on them. (If you missed my previous post…) Mayhem and I are both definitely feeling his absence – he was present for all but the first three months of her life, and he was present for nearly a third of mine. That’s his gloriously green eye at the top of this page (and it’s staying there, even though it just made me cry). (You can go back and read his origin story here.)
I’m pretty sure my usual posting schedule will resume soonishly, because there’s a certain comfort in routine.
Take care. Go hug your pets and family members.
Goodbye, Chaos
Linkity break this week!
Last few days of my two weeks of (stay-at-home, of course) vacation, so I’m going to skip a week of linkity to give my time at home that extra special something… 😉
Yes, it’s the same image from Monday, but COLORIZED.
*sigh* -Mayhem
No linkity, but a few words from Chaos
No linkity, but a memorable Chaos picture instead!
In which there’s no linkity, but there IS a photo of cats staring you down
I’m not quite finished reading these, but I’ll finish this weekend. I highly recommend both:
Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor by Layla F. Saad.
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo.
I also highly recommend Library Extension, which shows you whether your library has books you search for on Goodreads or Amazon, and, if your library owns the books, how many copies in which formats and whether they’re checked out or not.
*STAREDOWN* -Chaos & Mayhem