Category Archives: Those Cats

No linkity, only cat pictures

I have a family event Saturday that I’m a bit frazzled about, so today you just get cat pictures! Hopefully normal operations (including catching up on replies to your comments!) will resume next week. Have a great week!

My poor rumpled old lady Mayhem.

Big “Talk to the Paw” energy from Harry here!

Polly’s ready for her closeup!


Guess who had no idea what day it was until rather late?!?! 😀

Have some socks that I gifted this Christmas.

I had excellent matchy matchy on the feet and then…

Matchy matchy maintained throughout.

Good matchy matchy for most of the feet, but then…

Harry and Polly on my lap, providing excellent catghan coverage.


No linkity because collage

Hi all! I will be at a meeting of the Twin Cities Collage Collective during my usual linkity making time. But still – cat pictures! 😉

Mayhem (deeply asleep on her face) and Polly, on the couch/pet warmer.

Polly looking very regal whilst Harry lurks behind, looking sinister.

Again with the cat pictures instead of linkity (plus bonus socks)

I was recuperating from a migraine (the first one in 14 months!) during linkity making time, so have some cute cat pictures instead. Plus some completed knitted objects!

Mayhem, so over my taking her picture.

Harry hanging out mostly upside-down on the kitty hammock.

Polly looking as if her body’s missing.

This pair of Meilenweit Cotton socks is for me. It’s a bit of a miracle that they match as closely as they do, because there were a couple of knots in the skeins – and in one, the colorway reversed. :Jean-Luc Picard facepalm:

These were gifted to my SIL for her birthday. Let’s just say that Fame Trend has some loooooooooong color shifts. Fortunately, my SIL claims to love this pair of only vaguely related socks.

Lack of linkity, but of course – cat pictures

I think Mayhem broke her personal record for sitting on my lap, thus preventing me from doing linkity. Next week!

Harry on my legs, Mayhem on my lap, and Polly taking a bath beside me. You’d never guess that this was after it turned cool, but before the heat was turned on for my building, would you? 😉

The rest of the series of photos after the one where Harry sat on Polly from last week:

Polly looks So Done.

Whatever’s up there is obviously FASCINATING.

Don’t mind me, guys!