- Grr. At some point yesterday afternoon, Dreamhost started to have mail delays with things like comments from my blog. I’m sure hoping that they get that sorted out soon so I can reply to y’all. (Of course, after I wrote that, I started to receive comment email again.)
- Looks like Amazon’s celebrating a million Twitter followers by giving away a free mp3 song of your choice. (Ends Sunday.)
- Thanks to everyone who played along in my contest for Michelle Rowen’s Tall, Dark and Fangsome. The five winners have been notified and have 48 hours to respond (from 7:30 pm CDT, September 3). I’ll post the winners on Tuesday.
- Tuesday? Why, yes, Monday’s a holiday here in the States, so it’s a blogging holiday for me. 🙂
- Speaking of which… After today, only two more blogging (and working) days until vacation starts next Thursday! Woot!
- I’m sure I’ll blog while I’m on vacation, but it’ll be sporadic and probably picture heavy.
- In order to add a bit more knitting content (the four remaining and desperate knitreaders just perked up, I can tell), I’m trying to convince Jeanne to guest blog periodically.
- Jeanne also has three very cute kitties, who have been known to (unwillingly but adorably) model knitwear.
- No pressure, Jeanne. *ahem*
- While on a bike ride after work yesterday (yup, things are slowing down at work!), I saw a guy with possibly the most amazingly muscley and sexy arms ever. Yum. Sleeveless bike jerseys were made for that guy.
- I also saw a large moving van stuck under one of the bikeway (formerly railroad) bridges. Dude. Did you not think the height restriction applied to your humongous vehicle? Why were you driving a moving van on the parkway in the first place?
- Glad I wasn’t on the bridge when that thing got stuck!
- Today should be a mellow day at work. My boss is on vacation and I’m the in-charge. My minions shall be legion, um, well, maybe two. One of whom will probably go for a long lunch and not return.
- That’s ok, since I’m taking a long lunch and getting a pedicure. 🙂
- And tomorrow I’m finally getting my hair cut, after six or seven months. Goodbye, 3-5″ of heavy, tangling hair.
“You did not just write that you are leaving again next week, right?” -Chaos
*looks worried* -Mayhem