Ebook giveaway: Left on St. Truth-be-Well by Amy Lane [CONTEST CLOSED]

Many thanks to Amy Lane for donating an ebook copy of her forthcoming m/m romance, Left on St. Truth-be-Well, for a lucky commenter to win! Left on St. Truth-be-Well will be released by Dreamspinner Press on July 24.

Carson O’Shaughnessy has one task: track down his boss’s flighty nephew, Stassy, and return the kid to Chicago. Then Carson can go back to waiting tables and being productively bitter about his life. He didn’t count on finding a dead body in Stassy’s bed, and he certainly didn’t count on the guy in the flip-flops and cutoffs at the local cafe helping him get to the bottom of the crime.

But Dale Arden is no ordinary surfing burnout – he’s actually a pretty sharp guy with a seductive voice and a bossy streak wider than the Florida panhandle. When he decides to boss Carson right into his bed, Carson realizes Stassy’s not the only one who’s been lost. Carson likes to think he’s got his life all figured out, that sex with guys is your basic broom-closet transaction; he may just have to revise his priorities, because nobody plans on taking a left at St. Truth-be-Well and finding love at the Bates Parrot Hotel.

Excerpt (scroll down and expand)

Other Books

About Amy

Amy Lane knits, mothers four children, and writes like she’s got a slave-driver with a whip and a cattle-prod standing behind her chair. She, her brood, and her beloved mate, Mack, live in a crumbling mortgage in Citrus Heights, California, which is riddled with spiders, cats, a really gassy dog, and more than its share of fancy and weirdness. Feel free to visit her at her blog and her website, where she will ride the buzz of receiving your e-mail until her head swells and she can no longer leave the house.

Contest Rules

  • To enter, leave a comment stating that you are entering the contest. Contest closes 7 pm CDT, Tuersday, July 23.
  • By entering the contest, you’re confirming that you are at least 18 years old.
  • If you haven’t commented before, your comment will not be visible until after I moderate it. Please do not leave a second comment because your first doesn’t show up! The blog gnomes will decide your comments are spam and then only ritual dust bunny sacrifice will salvage your entry…
  • If your comment is actually an advertisement or if your CommentLuv link turns it into an advertisement, your comment will be deleted. (Most of you do not need to worry – this refers to some pretty clever comment spam.)
  • Winners will be selected by random number.
  • You must leave a valid email address in the “Email” portion of the comment form.
  • Please make sure that your spam filter allows email from stumblingoverchaos.com!
  • If a winner doesn’t respond to my congratulations email within 48 hours, I will select another winner.
  • If you win, please respect the author’s intellectual property and don’t make copies of the ebook for anyone else.
  • This contest is open worldwide!

Can you find Chaos in this picture? 🙂

82 thoughts on “Ebook giveaway: Left on St. Truth-be-Well by Amy Lane [CONTEST CLOSED]”

  1. No sign of chaos! Don’t forget to tell us where to look later:)
    Count me in for the book please.

  2. Notice that strange lump under the blanket on the couch? 😀 (The blanket that’s there to keep cat hair off the couch?!)

  3. I’d like to enter the contest too! 🙂

    I see Chaos has scoffed at your pitiful human attempts to dictate where he can and cannot go. His cat hair will go where Chaos damn well pleases, thank you very much. 😉

  4. This looks great, and I love Amy’s stories. Please enter me into the drawing.


  5. That seems like a way to get squashed, Chaos! Please count me in for this title, thanks. 🙂

  6. LOL Poor guy! Took me a second to find him (him being of black fur makes him blend in quite well) but the bulk gives him away!!!

    And don’t include me in contest, I’m here for the kitties!!!
    A recent post from Lynn..Switching Things UpMy Profile

  7. Love Amy Lane books, please include me too.

    Is Chaos next to the pillows? BTW from your previous posting, what fantastic windows that you have in your new condo.

  8. lol I had to click for a bigger big before I figured out the hiding cat.

    Count me in, please.

  9. that’s how my friend “lost” her cat – right under the sheet!

    count me in with Amy Lane!

  10. Not a good image of a crocodile’s (or is it an alligator?) mouth and a missing cat! Thanks for the chance to win.

  11. Thanks for the giveaway. I’d love to read this book. Please count me in.

    Chaos is hiding…. under the blanket?

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