Ebook Giveaway: Shane’s Fury (Lost Shifters #10) by Stephani Hecht [CONTEST CLOSED]

Congrats to Shanna, who won Bound Forever (Bound #3) by Ava March! Bound Forever is being released today by Loose Id.

Many thanks to Stephani Hecht for donating an ebook copy of her forthcoming paranormal m/m romance, Shane’s Fury (Lost Shifters #10), for a lucky commenter to win! Shane’s Fury will be released by eXtasy Books on March 15.

Shane never expected to do what no other Leopard shifter had done before: fall in love. There was no denying it, though, because from the first touch of a certain Panther named Trevor, Shane lost his heart to the other man. Then just as Shane found his mate and true happiness, Trevor was brutally torn from him when a Cobra shifter, bent on revenge, captured the Panther. Now Shane finds himself helpless as he scrambles to find his lover before the Cobra enacts his final act of vengeance and kills Trevor.

Ever since his capture, Trevor has known pain. He’s known degradation. He’s known terror. However, he also knows that Shane will be coming for him. And gods help the Cobra when Shane finally does arrive, because hell hath no equal to a Leopard’s fury. Trevor only hopes that Shane finds him in time, or else all hope will be lost.

Stephani’s Other Books

About Stephani

Stephani Hecht is a happily married mother of two. Born and raised in Michigan, she loves all things about the state, from the frigid winters to the Detroit Red Wings hockey team. Go Wings! You can usually find her snuggled up to her laptop, creating her next book or gorging on caffeine at her favorite coffee shop.

When she’s not running around like crazy, trying to get her kids to their various activities, she’s working on numerous projects.

You can visit Stephani at her blog or her website.

Contest Rules

  • To enter, leave a comment stating that you are entering the contest. Contest closes 7 pm CDT, Monday, March 14.
  • If you haven’t commented before, your comment will not be visible until after I moderate it. Please do not leave a second comment because your first doesn’t show up! The blog gnomes will decide your comments are spam and then only ritual dust bunny sacrifice will salvage your entry…
  • If your comment is actually an advertisement or if your CommentLuv link turns it into an advertisement, your comment will be deleted. (Most of you do not need to worry – this refers to some pretty clever comment spam.)
  • Winners will be selected by random number.
  • You must leave a valid email address in the “Email” portion of the comment form.
  • Please make sure that your spam filter allows email from stumblingoverchaos.com!
  • If a winner doesn’t respond to my congratulations email within 48 hours, I will select another winner.
  • If you win, please respect the author’s intellectual property and don’t make copies of the ebook for anyone else.
  • This contest is open worldwide!

“Oh, look! A handsome spotty kitty and a handsome black kitty! Yoo-hoo! Handsome kitties!” -Mayhem

79 thoughts on “Ebook Giveaway: Shane’s Fury (Lost Shifters #10) by Stephani Hecht [CONTEST CLOSED]”

  1. still waiting the day which I win anything but well, I can always hope… especially with a prize like that :). please, count me in too

  2. I’ve been waiting for this book since i finished the last one a month ago. Count me in!

  3. This kitty now has to find his love in the maze. Poisonous snakes added to the mix. I cant wait for this sequel.

  4. Please, count me in! I’m in love with all o Stephani’s books and have to read this one!

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