Chaising around

Aw, thanks to those who’ve included SoC in their lists of blogs that make their day – Karen, kmkat, and Chris, I’m blushing! 🙂

About a month ago, Jeanne sent me a link to something she thought Chaos, with his deep and abiding passion for cardboard scratchers, would really like – a SmartyKat CatChaise cardboard scratcher. (As Crazy Aunt Purl notes, you can’t find this $15 product on either the Target website, even though we each found this product at Target, or the company’s website.) (Of course, this small “chaise” scratcher turns out to be nothing compared to others I saw online… but Chaos and Mayhem will just have to live with the disappointment of not having a chaise that costs ten times as much as theirs!) Anyway…

*sniff sniff sniff* -Chaos

*sniff sniff sniff* – Mayhem

*sniff sniff sniff* -Chaos

“Mmm, it’s got nip on it, big kitty. You don’t mind if I stand on your head, do you?” -Mayhem

“Well, now that you mention it, May…” -Chaos

“…I do mind. This is my kitty chais scratcher doohickey! Mine!” -Chaos

“So you just keep on moving on there, missy, or I’ll take you out with my laser eye!” -Chaos

“Hmph.” -Mayhem

34 thoughts on “Chaising around”

  1. Miss Mayhem, do you mean that Mummy didn’t buy 2 of these???
    A gorgeous girl should have her own.
    Pearl Phyllis and Missy Puss have had a look and told me that they would like one each, so, it’s off to Kmart after work tomorrow.
    Here in Australia I’ve only seen them at Kmart

  2. Boy I’m torn between thinking it’d be great for my boys and thinking it’d be another doohickey they ignore in favor of not-specifically-for-them toys.

    Especially because Picasso is immune to catnip. I KNOW.

    And hey! I spy the book!

  3. “my laser eye” – HA!

    I’m with bellamoden. No sooner would I buy it than my boys would scratch, sniff and ignore. The guest room is littered with cat cast-offs. And the full sized chaise? Fuggeddabadit!

  4. Heh, I can only imagine the mayhem that would ensue at home should I bring one of those home!

    That’s some laser eye you got there Chaos! And your Mom has quite a book collection too.

  5. Oh c’mon – you make my day everyday.

    “PSSST Mom! – Tell her I want that toy when those kitties get bored with it ‘k?” Sammy

  6. Love the pictures! We have the plain old cardboard scratcher here and our girls (cats)just love it. We’ve tried buying two before but they ended up ignoring one and scratching the bejeezus out of the other. Go figure!

  7. Do they love it? I’ve been eyeing those for my kitties, but wasn’t sure they would take to it as much as the standing cat posts. hank sure does love to rub himself on things — like carpet, the couch, etc. I thought this might be a good compromise (and save my carpet from a mat of cat hair!).

  8. Hmm, considering my own guy’s penchant for all things cardboardy, I might have to pop over to the local Target and pick one of those doohickies up! 😉

  9. They actually use their scratchboxes?! Rainy, like Charlie, loves to sit on hers. And rub it — someone declawed her. 🙁 My two clawed cats much prefer my couch!

  10. Harley loves hers! But then, she’s like Chaos — she loves all the scratchy things, which is why she currently has 6 of them….. (And did you see the Wallflower thing? I don’t get how it works…)

  11. Heheh… I think Chaos likes it! I can’t believe you didn’t buy the $150 cat scratcher thingy. 😉 I may have to go buy one. I’ve decided that my next couch should just be a giant cardboard scratcher.

  12. Wow, me TOO! I just got one for the girls, based on CAP’s and everyone else’s talking about them. And by GUMBO! they both like it, and they share (well….they’re each on it at some time, although there are some hissy discussions from time to time; that’s as close as they get to “sharing”). But YEAH, it’s popular! Only Lilly actually scratches on it (and it’s holding up very well) and I haven’t re-nipped it yet. NOTE: the catnip that comes with it is very fine and falls through to the floor, do the huge delight and excitement of both cats, when I move it.

  13. I wish I could get something like that for Django, he has wicket claws. Oh wait, he has something like that, my back. Although its not scratchy.

    Love the May on Chaos picture.

  14. Brenda has a point. It is only fair Chaos gets first crack at the chaise.

    Wow, $150? Hurray for Target, yes? (yes.)I’m happy Hez is happy with her horizontal scratcher. And the couch. And her cat tree.

  15. Now if I could just get Raven to use ANY of the billionty scratching devices I have! I have bought him special ones that were jsut for him. Tall ones, short ones, flat ones, slanted ones….at least your kitties checked it out. Raven walks right by ’em…

  16. I got many cardboard scratchers for my last cat, but he always preferred the metal bar that divided the bathroom linoleum from the carpet in the next room. Then again, he was also lactose intolerant and allergic to catnip!

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