Of Meilenweit and Mayhem

Aija is having a contest to celebrate her Space Invaders-themed socks appearing in the new knitty! Contribute a few lines to the Choka and you could win some really great stuff from etsy!

KnitWit Kelly is having a contest to help her find her knitting inspiration again – leave a comment by March 13 telling her why you knit, and you could win some yarn, music, and a bracelet!

Recently, I picked up some new Meilenweit Meeting because I thought it looked like a nice Project Spectrum color combination. Unfortunately, after I started knitting it, I realized I hated the colors. The blues slightly clash and there’s not enough grey or black to balance that (for me, at least). So I ripped out this fledgling sock Wednesday evening. (Hopefully none of you got too attached to it.)

“I can see an Addi!” -M

I turned to my stash and discovered some Meilenweit Fun that had plenty of blue and grey to qualify for Project Spectrum. I’m using Craftaholic’s Mata Hari socks pattern (not the charted pattern in that link – it’s explained in text a bit further down). I took these pictures right before ripping the sock back so I could knit another plain row or two between the lace rows so the socks will be a bit warmer and, well, less lacy.

“Maybe if I am very, very sneaky…” -M

“See how sneaky I am? Look out, Addi – you are mine!” -M

38 thoughts on “Of Meilenweit and Mayhem”

  1. Terry is sneaky like that too – he tries to get just a little gnawing in on the needles if I’m not looking!
    I like the darker blue sock better too!

  2. I normally don’t like that fake fair isle stuff, but I actually like your blue sock! Of course the second one is better, but still …

  3. I can’t believe you don’t like the first yarn – I love it! But maybe it’s too pastelly for you? I like the second colorway too though.

  4. Does that happen often, when you see yarn that you really like only to hate it once you get going on something with it?

    That would be quite annoying.

  5. Kitty paws and kitty ears.. a great way to start out my morning blog reads.
    The first socks are a bit pastel – and I’m sure I’d drive myself insane trying to get one sock to match the other in the pair. I love the color of the “mata hari” socks.. and the name too of course.

  6. I like the way the yarn’s colors go one way and the lace goes the other in that second sock. The pattern looks like it’s more fun than the old round and round, too.

  7. I like the new sock yarn better, too. The first one wasn’t bad but it didn’t *do* anything for me. And it certainly didn’t have enough black/dark grey for Chaos’ mommy!

    Mayhem, you have the cutest little furry toes.

  8. I liked the first sock! Go figure. But the mata haris are definitely awesome 🙂

    Mayhem, if it’s immortalized on camera, “sneaky” isn’t the word I’d use for it….

  9. I really like the first colorway; the second is nice too. And toe up socks are so much fun!

    My cats have not yet dared to go after my needles(at least not in front of me;)).

    Oh, and I did not knit backwards for the Danica scarf. Lots of turning goig on. I think that’s what kept it interesting for me.

  10. Chris- I was just about to comment on how much I liked the first sock- and you ripped it out savagely!

    I bet the Kitties liked it too, or did you ask them?

  11. Mayhem is really honing her stealth needle-stealing skills! I loved seeing the Mata Hari pattern – will be interesting to see how your changeups to it look!

  12. I LOVE the MH’s, I’ve seen that pattern pop up on other blogs as well. May, hun, we need to talk about your addi angst, because it’s all fun and games until someone’s eye gets poked out.

  13. Sometimes the love for a particular sock yarn just isn’t there. I like both yarns but I like the second better.

    May has grown quite attached to your Addis.

  14. first color is too pastel-y? you know, the kitties are generally VERY good about the yarn and knitting paraphenelia. But then they go do crazy stuff every so often, like chew thru yarn, try to eat an addi,… they keep us on our toes!

  15. I like the first sock.
    But then it looks like the new almost pale aqua that I’ve discovered I love. LL Bean calls it “bluegrass.” Oh well…the second sock looks lovely too (and much more you!).

  16. Uh…Gandalf would like to know how many stitches you cast on for the Mata Hari socks. You know, in case he wants to make his Mom a pair.


  17. I like the first pair too. Alas. But the new one is cute too.

    I love Mayhem’s paw! She’s not attacking the Addi, she’s hugging you.


  18. Oh, no, I like the second (darker blue) pair so much better! (but I know that’s just me!). And what an addi addict you have on your hands!

  19. No need to get one of those kitty teasers — just get May an Addi!

    I like the colors of both your socks, but if you didn’t like the first one, then it’s good you ripped it out.

    Hope both the cats are taking turns with “sick duty.” Mine take up the watch at the end of the bed when one of us is under the weather. And they take turns…amazing. They really do take care of us in their own sweet ways.

  20. Yea!! I finally caught up on your blog! I didn’t know that May was an Addi killer? You’d better be careful or she might teach Chaos about this new toy;)

  21. Shame you didn’t like the Milenweit socks, though I thought they looked great 😉 You never really know how they’ll turn out till you start though – all part of the fun!

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