The Yarn Harlot is having a contest – what’s the best word can you make from the Scrabble letters?
Celtic Kelly is selling some really cute stitchmarkers for socks – check them out!
Yesterday was my last day of vacation. Alas, I spent it with a migraine. Pooey! Much better today, but I didn’t get any of the things done I was planning for yesterday, so I’m feeling more discombobulated about being back at work than I expected. And very very far behind in bloglines again!
Sometime during the past two weeks, I saw a pattern for a soap bag that hangs in the shower. It was posted on someone’s blog, but I didn’t bookmark it. *slaps forehead* I think it was from Sugar’n’Cream, but I wouldn’t bet on it. Please leave a comment if you know where this pattern was posted. My google-fu hasn’t found it yet…
Reading Update
The Laughing Corpse, Circus of the Damned, The Lunatic Cafe, Bloody Bones, and The Killing Dance by Laurell K. Hamilton, books 2-6 of Anita Black, Vampire Hunter. It’s been ages since I read these and I’m definitely enjoying the re-read. The series hadn’t started to deteriorate yet…
Bit of info for anyone reading the Sookie Stackhouse Southern Vampire series – when I started the sixth book, Definitely Dead, I was very confused. The book referred to some critical incidents that had recently happened, but I certainly didn’t remember anything about them and I had just read the previous five books in about four days. It turns out that the information was revealed in a short story in the book Bite. I highly recommend reading that short story before you read Definitely Dead!
This was worth turning around to get a picture of…
And May wants to show off how big she’s getting:
Chris- Hmmm… ratio of tail to cat looks pretty even.
Aw, she’s so cute!
Bummer about the migraine (and going back to work again too, for that matter…). Hope you’re better today!
Isn’t it unbelievable how fast time goes on vacation? May is getting big!
may is so cute and so big!
enjoy retyurning to the fun of work.
Good luck finding the soap bag. I’ll keep my eyes open. Sorry about your migraine.
Wow, May is getting big!
Sorry you had a migraine…are you feeling better?
They grow up so quick…and so cute!
Migraines are the worst, especially the ones that kill vacation days. Glad you’re feeling better!
I think the soap bag was at Good luck!
Are you feeling better today? Sure hope so…
Aaaa! The little Mayhem! She’s groooooooowing. So cute!
The yellow…. Regia?
What cute Halloween-ish shot of May and your feet! 🙂 Soooo adorable! I can’t resist kitten cuteness…
I’m really sorry about the migraine, but wasn’t that something like three weeks of vacation?? I’m jealous!
(Well, okay, I actually have three weeks’ vacation time, but I would never take them all at once–I wouldn’t be able to find my desk!)
Poor you – pao had Monday off with a migraine. I think it was a leftover from the one he had Saturday.
Aww, Mayhem… how cute is she!
Hey…if you find the soap bag, will you post the link? It sounds like a good stocking stuffer!
May’s too cute!
Yeah, right, May. You have a long way to go to be as big as the big kitty – Except for your tail. You’ve got him beat there.
May is really sprouting up!
LOL Love the flamingos. I need to check out those Hamilton books, they sound good.
DEfinitely worth turning around for.
May you certainly are getting big. Look at the length of that tail.
Here’s the soap washy thingy 🙂
I’ll have to come by later and visit though, the pictures aren’t loading for some reason…
Oh, that stinks about the migraine on your last day off. I hope you’re feeling better today.
I think it was lickety knit – the pattern is here
I hate when that happens—I just picked a book off the shelf last week, that ended up being the 6th in the series. Now I have to hunt up the first 5 and then read the ones that have come since the 6th!
May is looking good!
Sorry about the migraine and having to return to work (is there a connection, maybe, perhaps??)
How awesome would it be to have your own company that just “Flamingos” the lawn. I once had my lawn “sporked”. Migraines, no fun, I wish you had another week off.
You have to cease and desist from posting pictures of May!! It’s making me want to get another kitten and that could end my marriage!!
So sorry about your migraine. I got nailed with one Monday. Ugh!
I love the flamingos!!! It’s a shame you can’t stick May in there somewhere to model with them.
ummm licketyknit was knitting soap bags recently would it be her’s your thinking of???
Thanks for the plug 🙂
All my sympathy for the migraine. I get them once a month with that other visitor. Ick.
The flamingos shot is great. My FIL has a problem with Canadian geese all over his lawn (the real ones) and we recently saw decoys and were really tempted to fill his lawn with those:)
Okay – So I am going to be about the 100th person who posts the link: – Have fun!These look like great gifts paired with some homemade soap.
Okay – So I am going to be about the 100th person but the actual pattern from the lickety knits site is posted here:
– Have fun!These look like great gifts paired with some homemade soap.
She is SO cute!
Love the lawn flamingos!
Your picture totally freaked me out, the color in your socks (not the orange) nearly matches your carpet. Weird Floating orange stripey socks…with cat. =P
May you’re growing so fast!
The soap set I remember from recently was here:
Cute flamingos! I’ve heard of those wandering herds of charity flamingos, are those them? And, for the record – I had to look it up – the collective noun for them is ‘a stand of flamingo’ – funny, huh?
Have you read any Tanya Huff? (Blood Price is the first in her vampire series.) I liked them a lot better than Anita Blake.
I love coming by here to see where you will send me. I think I might have to try one of those soap holder-thingies for a couple people on my Christmas list. I hope your migraine gets better very soon. And thanks for the super cute kitty pictures, they always brighten my day!
Sorry about the migraine. I hate them.
Great picture of the flamingos. May is growing fast!
I hate the last day of vacation, especially when it doesn’t go as planned!
That soap thingy is tempting. I wasn’t going to do too much holiday knitting this year but that might be something fun.
Sorry to hear about the migraine. I’m glad you’re feeling better.
May is getting so big!
The staff of a friend of mine put flamingos all over the lawn of their work, where he’s a bigshot, for his 60th b-day. It’s such a great idea!
Sorry about the migraine. I always think that when you get sick on a vacation day, you ought to be able to turn it into a sick day…..
Sorry your vacation is over and that you spent the last moments with a migraine! I HATE those.
I love the kitty pictures.
I looked at the scrabble contest and decided that those people would kick my @ss.
May’s sweet kitten face is turning into the all-wise, all-knowing face of an adult cat. Chaos, watch out!
Ohhh… I had read about these flamingo things but not seen a picture now. Very cute! And so is May!
Shame about the migraine. Hope you’re all recovered now!
Have a great weekend 😉