Linkity needs help with a dilemma

From Thursday, May 11, through Thursday, June 1, I will be taking a bookbinding class that’s required for my Book Arts Certificate (and which is always offered on Thursday evenings for some reason). Since Thursday evenings are my time for putting linkity together, I have a dilemma. A month without linkity seems a little extreme, doesn’t it?! How would y’all feel about maybe two Saturday linkities during that time?



Think, Learn, Do, Make


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
White Corridor (Bryant & May #5) by Christopher Fowler. I gave it a couple of chapters, but it wasn’t working for me at all. It felt different from the other books in the series somehow. DNF.
Battle Street Bolero (Bone Street Rumba #3) by Daniel Jose Older. Very satisfying conclusion to this trilogy.
Improbable Libraries: A Visual Journey to the World’s Most Unusual Libraries by Alex Johnson. Very cool look at the many, many different ways that libraries reach people and people reach libraries around the world.

“What socks?” -Mayhem

Oh, these socks? 😉 These were for my SIL’s birthday… her March 2016 birthday. I finished them the day before her March 2017 birthday. Yay?!

9 thoughts on “Linkity needs help with a dilemma”

  1. Thanks for the link!

    Wow, I have actually read some of the Hugo nominees this year! (Princess Diarist, Every Heart a Doorway, and the October Daye series)

    Fun links about the printing phrases. I knew many of them originated there, but wasn’t always clear on how.

    Yay socks! Those are cool. I love the stripy colors.
    A recent post from Nicole..Friday Reads ~ in which nothing much happenedMy Profile

  2. I can’t survive a month without cat photos! Please keep doing them – don’t care what day it is.

  3. Yay Minnesota! *\o/*

    I was getting very anxious about the poor centaurs as I read that article, until I remembered they don’t actually exist…

    Saturday linkities would be good if you have time. 🙂

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