Welcome back to Art Journaling Monday! 🙂
- The stories we tell ourselves.
- Unreadable quotes.
- Be kind.
- More unreadable quotes.
- Spiky rainbow scribble doodle.
“…zzzzzzzzzzz…” -Chaos
Welcome back to Art Journaling Monday! 🙂
“…zzzzzzzzzzz…” -Chaos
Your spiky rainbow doodle said ‘Christmas’ to me on first sight. Of course, the more I looked at it the less I was sure why. I like it, though. 🙂
And I like this quote Blank pages never intimidate me. It’s a sketchbook. It can’t intimidate me. I can beat the shit out of it. -Stefan Sagmeister
A recent post from blodeuedd..A lady’s revenge – Tracy Devlyn and Duality by Renee Wildes
I enjoyed your art journalling pages 🙂 Some good quotes there!
A recent post from mrspao..Pottery-ing about