Congrats to Lynn Baker, who won Branded by Clare London! (I did not hear back from Angela Reeves within 48 hours – sorry, Angela…)
Congrats to Tj, who won Pride and Joey by Devon Rhodes!
“Where are you going, Mom?! That’s a lot more stuff than you usually take to work… Darn it, I knew something was up. Don’t go!!!!” -Mayhem
Congrats to the winners!
OMG May! But just think…you can completely pull the wool over the catsitter’s eyes! And maybe if you’re good Mum might bring you home some new wool!
A recent post from orannia..A Piece Of String
Hope the flight goes well. See you tomorrow :).
Don’t worry, kitten, mom’s not planning to stay away forever.
A recent post from trek..In which trek raves and rants
Awwwww. Kitty looks upset. Have a great flight and see you guys tomorrow. Squeeeee!
A recent post from Tam..Monday of a super short work week!!!
Congrats to the winners!
Chris: Have a great time!!!
*sigh*…this is what happens when you miss blogs for a few days?? Have fun!!
Poor Mayhem 🙁
A recent post from blodeuedd..Review- War on the Margins – Libby Cone
poor babies…
A recent post from lisa..Rhinebeck Recap
Aw, poor kitties! Before you know it, Mom will be back, and all will be good.
Have a great time!
A recent post from Brigitte..Hi Everybody!
I hope you’re going some place fun, exciting and WARM!
Thanks May, now I have Iolanthe stuck in my head. It’s one of my favorites, but In vain to us you plead isn’t my choice to get stuck in the head!
A recent post from Seanna Lea..its that time of year again
Awww – May, you can make your plans to be scary for Halloween while mom is gone!
(Have a great time Chris!)
Chaos- While the cats away….
or something like that.
A recent post from Lorraine..A Bit of Fun
Have a great time!
Yeah, yeah. While the mom’s away, the cats will play!! Lol, that’s how it goes!
Have a safe trip, Chris! And everyone else that’s going!
A recent post from Nikyta..Tuesday Contests!
I bet the magical food provider & litter box cleaner will hand out some love & treats.
Aw, I wish I were close enough to kitty-sit…
Have a safe, fun time!
A recent post from K. Z. Snow..Must get in my thanks
have a good vacation and try not to worry about the kitties.
A recent post from ikisti..Ladies Weekend…
Here to just tell you that I hope you have a wonderful time!!!!!!! Hugs honey!!!!
May, now you can start planning that Halloween party. 😉
A recent post from Sydney..And Then They Were Gone
Hope the flight was good. Have fun!!!!!!!! 🙂
A recent post from Lily..The Club at Cool Harbor by Christiane France
She’ll be back, May! Darn you – I have earworm!!
A recent post from mrspao..Kittens needed
So here’s my big question: What are May and Chaos wearing for Halloween? 🙂
A recent post from Marsha..Knitters Day Out 2010
cable cars.. dungeness crab.. chinatown.. fishermans’ wharf.. oh my!
(happy dance!)
Have a safe trip!!
A recent post from Nicole..WiP Weds the Anklet Edition